Friday, November 20, 2009

Hair dying?

Ok, I am thinking about going to a salon to dye my hair. My cousin does it often and i was thinking about doing it too.

I have a chesnut brown color. Im so sick of it. I wanted to get it done a little darker but with the tint that makes it look like red. i dont know how to explain it. i dont want RED hair just that dark look when it goes over brown.

I dont know what to ask the hairstylist to do becasue im afraid ill hate it. and i dont know how to phrase it or if you call those colors certain things? like amber expresso ive heard so many but i need someone to help me with the correct name color im looking for with the description i gave

please help me, i hope thats not confusing ? thanks :)

Hair dying?

The name depends on what hair dye brand they use.. you should ask ur 4 help.

Hair dying?

When you go into a salon they will show you a bunch of samples of colored hair and you can pick one.

Hair dying?

It sounds like you want a burgundy. But the easiest thing to do is ask the stylist to bring out the color board. It has samples of all the different hair colors on it, and you can visually pick out what you want without even needing to describe it. :-) Good luck!

Hair dying?

maybe called auburn, but ask to look at their hair color samples

Hair dying?

* Hair coloring tips

* Hair Dyeing Tips

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