Tuesday, November 24, 2009

If leaves change from green to yellow,red,etc, why did god make people's hair change from black

Why did God create everything the way he did? If we look at Gods creation and the way it all works together we can see his personality at work and the wisdom written in it.

If leaves change from green to yellow,red,etc, why did god make people's hair change from black,blonde to grey

god didn't; color is a figment of your imagination. Simply reflections of light. But light does not exist.

If leaves change from green to yellow,red,etc, why did god make people's hair change from black,blonde to grey

Please, please, please! Take a basic biology course or stop sharing your ignorance!

If leaves change from green to yellow,red,etc, why did god make people's hair change from black,blonde to grey

I guess like the tree goes through changes in season, so do people. lol

If leaves change from green to yellow,red,etc, why did god make people's hair change from black,blonde to grey

I dont think that God is involved in Any of this. God gives and God takes away. For example a tree is planted grows old and withers and dies. The leaves mark each year by changing colors and falling off before death. Year by year your hair changes colors until it is totally gray or you are bald and then you die. This is just the circle of life - something growing old and dying.

If leaves change from green to yellow,red,etc, why did god make people's hair change from black,blonde to grey

God had nothing to do with it. Nor is there any connection between the different chemistries involved.

If leaves change from green to yellow,red,etc, why did god make people's hair change from black,blonde to grey

So you would know who to ask advice from. Lets face it, are you gonna ask for advice from some teenager with a Greatful Dead T-shirt and a F You hat?

If leaves change from green to yellow,red,etc, why did god make people's hair change from black,blonde to grey

God doesn't make your hair go grey, age %26amp; stress do that

If leaves change from green to yellow,red,etc, why did god make people's hair change from black,blonde to grey

i dont mind the color change i just wanna know why it runs away

If leaves change from green to yellow,red,etc, why did god make people's hair change from black,blonde to grey

Black to blonde? Who's hair does that?!? Perhaps why we grey is because it would cause our hair to reflect light, rather than absorb it, since the absorption ages us more...maybe it's a built-in self preservation?

If leaves change from green to yellow,red,etc, why did god make people's hair change from black,blonde to grey

He likes variety. It would be boring if everything changed the same way. God's the most cool and creative artist.

If leaves change from green to yellow,red,etc, why did god make people's hair change from black,blonde to grey

last time I checked plant physiology and that of animals is entirely different whether you believe in supernatural things or not .And people are highly advanced animals whether you realize it or not.

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