My sister said I need to change the color of my avatar's hair to something other than red...why?
How many ppls avatars have red hair?
Red heads....?
Why did she tell you that? There's nothing wrong with your avatars looks so long as they reflect what YOU want them to be!!! I don't know how many other people's avatars have red hair. Tell your sister to make her own avatar and leave your alone!
Red heads....?
well i do. cos my hair is red.
Red heads....?
my avatar has pink hair. I think your avatar looks great.
Red heads....?
Just go to the place where you make your avatar, pick out a hairstyle, and click on of the colored boxes next to it for w/e color you want.
Red heads....?
More then you would think, but not alot. She probly just doesn't like the red hair. lol If that's what you like, then leave it. It doesn't matter what other people think or say, with fake things(like the avatar) or reality(your real hair). If it makes you happy, then keep it. But I'd change it every so often. Just to give you change, and to make it fun. I change mine like, every 6 months or so. I like to see what the new things are, and see the top avi's.
Red heads....?
My avatar has brown hair because I have brown hair. I love red hair and use to have my hair dyed red.Keep your avatar the color that you like.
Red heads....?
me! idk why she would tell you to do that, it looks HOTT!
Red heads....?
Sorry, but she told you that because red hair is just freaky and discusting. That's why she told you to change it. She knows fashion 10 times better than you, probably.
Red heads....?
wats w/t ure sis? red hair is georgeous! and a/w who cares how ure avatar looks!
Red heads....?
My avatar has red hair coz I do. Redheads Rock! keep it how it is.
Red heads....?
Your Avatar is suppose to represent you. How you appear. I chose red hair b/c I have red hair. I chose light-medium complexion b/c that is me. I also chose braids b/c that is how I love to wear my hair. Now I will change my hairdo and my clothes but my hair color and complexion stay the same.
Red heads....?
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