i have brown hair but want to dye it. is the ones from the supermarket bad for yuo? coz its too espensive at the hairdressers.
also do you think red heads should dye there hair or keep it?
coz my frined thinks guys think shes ugly coz of her red hair lol
Dying your hair?
Dying your hair at the salon and at home is the same risk. However, I recommend going to a professional because they know what they are doing, and often the hair color boxes don't turn your hair the color desired. My sister once wanted to dye her hair dark brown but instead it turned bright purple.
I think red hair is super gorgeous! Me being a natural blonde, I have experimented with tons of colors and red is my stteling place. If she wants to dye it she should slowly phase out if it... like if she has fierce red hair then dye it a different shade... like copper or strawberry blond.
And, by the way, guys don't judge a girl soley on her hair, that's ridiculous and whoever tells her that should be shot.
Dying your hair?
i got none of the last part you said. but box color from the store is worse than the salon. stick with your natural you don't want to regret it later on like me.
Dying your hair?
no its not bad for you. thats what me and a lot of other people i know use. its pretty much the same thing except your doing it yourself and its alottttt cheaper.
and well if your friend thinks she should dye her hair, well then she should go ahead and dye it. it doesnt matter what other people think. and if it makes her feel better about herself i think she should go for it! i really dont think red hair is too bad looking though. but im a girl so ya. just as long as she stays within a few shades of her natural hair color im sure it will look fine!
Dying your hair?
I luv red hair!!!!I dyed mine red (originaly brown) and its awesome! I got mine from a beauty supplie store...pretty cheap,and worked good. U could use henna.
good luck%26amp;merry christmas!
Dying your hair?
Its not bad for you. As long as you keep your hair hydrated and taken care of there shouldn't be any damages. I have white-blonde hair and its deeply conditioned and in good shape.
Red is a color I wouldn't dye my hair.
Dying your hair?
uhm not all of them are bad
check out feria:]
and redheads? uhm noooo:]
theyre pretty but tell her to put some blonde hilitess in it lol
Dying your hair?
i believe that it depends on what color you're dying your hair. for example, if you're making a really big change, lyk from brunette to blonde, then your much better off spending the money and getting it done professionally. but if its not that big of a diference, lyk, one shade of brown to another, its fine to dye it yourself.
dont use products that are fairly new. u want something that u know will work. if u have a hairdresser, then call her/him, and see what they recommend.
that Garnier stuff is supposed to help prevent wash-out, 2.
as for ur friend, i think red hair is gorgeus. 1 of mi friends has red hair, and it has lil highlights of blonde, and it looks great! plus her eyes are green, and its awesome for this time of the year! lol. tell her to keep it! (:
Dying your hair?
Hairdye from the supermarket isnt bad. Depending on which brand you choose. Their probably like 5-10 bucks. They work but hairdye always fades. Like REVLON LORIEL etc.
And your friend shouldnt dye her hair she's unique! who the hell cares about hair color. If she thinks people dont like her their just shallow. Or maybe she's just ugly? sorry
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